Dear Friend:
Virtually no one would hem and haw and make excuses while they watched a child drown in the middle of a lake.
But when it comes to fighting to end the travesty of abortion in this country — or even here in Ohio — it seems all you and I get from many politicians is a list of excuses.
Well, I don’t know about you, but I believe it’s high time for the excuses to come to an end.
That’s why I’m counting on you to sign our petition to your State Representative and State Senator in support of the Ohio Life-at-Conception Act IMMEDIATELY. More on that below.
If passed, the Ohio Life-at-Conception Act would end abortion in Ohio.
You see, in the 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling, the Court noted that if life was ever declared to begin at conception, then unborn babies MUST be protected by the U.S. Constitution.
Well, whether the pro-abortion crowd wants to admit it or not, from the moment of conception, unborn babies are genetically human, scientifically alive and have DNA distinct from their mothers.
From that moment forward, their hair and eye color — and all the way down to the shape of their little toes — has already been determined.
So science proves what you and I have always known to be true — unborn babies are living humans with the same right to life as you and me.
So passage of the Ohio Life-at-Conception Act would simply legally recognize that FACT — saving tens of thousands of innocent lives in the process.
What could be more important than that?
In my book, nothing.
You see, my love for my kids didn’t start at the hospital, after my wife gave birth.
I saw those ultrasounds. I heard the heartbeats.
I remember the anticipation and the joy I felt before my wife and I welcomed our firstborn, Ellah, into the world.
So I can hardly imagine how anyone could hurt a child — born or unborn.
But the abortion industry doesn’t care about unborn life.
They don’t care about women and the emotional scars that stays with them for life either.
They care only about the blood money flowing into their bank accounts.
According to the latest statistics available, this one BILLION dollar national industry put to death nearly 30,000 unborn babies here in Ohio.
Over 20% of all Ohio pregnancies ended in abortion.
These aren’t statistics. These are LOST LIVES.
One of the major reasons I decided to run for office in the first place was to put an end to abortion.
But as much as I would like to, I simply cannot do it by myself.
Too many of my colleagues just want to mouth pro-life rhetoric to get elected, and then turn around and concentrate on other more pressing issues once elected.
It’s a game to them. It’s nothing more than a cheap political game.
Well, I believe it’s time we stopped playing games and started saving lives.
That’s why I’ve agreed to help the Ohio Pro-Life League in their critical program to force votes in BOTH houses of the General Assembly on the Ohio Life-at-Conception Act.
Once my colleagues are forced to vote, we’ll find out exactly which are just mouthing pro-life rhetoric — and which will truly FIGHT to end abortion-on-demand.
And those who would rather cozy up to the abortion industry than those of us who truly value innocent life will pay the price in 2015.
I’m counting on pro-lifers like you to make sure of it.
But if the Ohio Pro-Life League is going to succeed in forcing my colleagues on record with a full, up-or-down floor vote in both houses of the General Assembly, they’re going to need to ignite a grassroots firestorm.
And that depends on good folks like you.
This petition is an important part. So please take a moment and sign your petition for Life-at-Conception legislation NOW!
As soon as my colleagues start getting flooded with petitions, and letters from their constituents, they’ll start to listen and they’ll start to take action.
They’ll realize those political games they’ve been playing just won’t cut it anymore.
But if this program is going to work, it needs to be massive.
So over the next few months, Ohio Pro-Life League’s goal is to generate 100,000 petitions just like this one.
Then, once votes are scheduled, their plan is to turn up the heat on the General Assembly even more with another round of hard-hitting mail and, if possible, television, radio and newspaper ads.
Such a massive program won’t be cheap. But if you and I are serious about saving lives, I need folks like you in the grassroots to send a message to your elected officials.
Just talking the talk isn’t enough. It’s time to act.
If you agree, please sign the petition TODAY.
And if you possibly can, please give Ohio Pro-Life
League your most generous contribution.
I don’t know what you can afford. I can tell you there are
no limits, so you can give whatever amount you choose.
A few very generous folks have been able to give $1,000. Others have given $500 or $250.
If that’s too much, please give whatever amount you can — whether that’s $100, $50 or even just $35.
Please remember lives are at stake.
I understand that. I’m willing to do whatever it takes in the Ohio General Assembly to finally put an end to abortion.
But I can’t do it alone. I’m counting on you.
Please sign this petition and please consider giving your most generous contribution of $1,000, $500, $250 or even $100, $50 or $35.
Together, we can save lives.
Ron Hood
State Representative — District 78
P.S.It’s time to find out who in the General Assembly is really pro-life — and who is just mouthing pro-life rhetoric to get elected every two years.
You and I can do that by forcing a vote in both houses of the General Assembly on the Ohio Life-at-Conception Act, which is designed to finally put an END to abortion here in Ohio.
Please sign your petition to your State Representative and State Senator now!
And, if you can, please contribute your most generous contribution of $1,000, $500, $250 or even $100, $50 or $35 to Ohio Pro-Life League.